Friday, 29 April 2016

Finding Happiness

April 29, 2016 0 Comments
Finding happiness can come from all different places, even to the smallest of things that we end up taking for granted. We can be so consumed by our busy lives and all the stressful things surrounding us that we forget to take a moment and appreciate the positive things.

It's never easy to know exactly what makes you the most happy because everything comes with a downfall. However, it's so important to focus on the small things first and not just place all of your energy on reaching that end goal.

If we focus so much on reaching perfection and waste time focusing on the negatives along the way and ignoring the small pieces of happiness, we are never going to reach that full potential. It is so easy to get caught up living in the future, constantly imagining those things you want to happen instead of living in the here and now but that is such a dangerous way to live.

Life is short, we all know that, but there is so much depth behind that phrase. If you forget to live in the moment and be present, you are wasting away most of your days that you should be treasuring.

One day you will look back and regret the time you spent worrying about the small things because in the end they never really matter. What does matter though is everything else, everything that you shrug off like it's just another daily thing, when in actual fact it is providing you with a happiness you haven't paid enough attention to notice.

Appreciating every little thing that happens in life can of course be difficult but if you begin to be mindful of what is happening around you, instead of just focusing on the future, it makes it much easier.

Then as a result of that, you may start to feel happier in yourself too. Instead of wasting your time trying to reach a certain goal of happiness, whether that be a holiday or having a few days off work... try and focus on the here and now and appreciate each and everything that happens to you.

It may be as simple as a conversation with one of your friends or a whole day out somewhere, but try and treasure each and every moment and focus on how it makes you feel in that precise moment. Don't shrug a piece of happiness off just because it is small and part of your daily routine. Embrace it and allow it to make you feel the benefits instead of wishing for something more.